Saturday, May 27, 2006


Sadly our Song Thrush has abandoned her young and fled the nest. She guarded her eggs with her very life and refused to move even though her eyes were sometimes wide with fear. None of the chicks survived. Sometimes nature can be very bemusing. It has been a day of changing skies with intermittent sunshine and blustery winds. Whitby is packed with tourists, eager to drink in a forgotten England and bringing with them a happy ambience to the town. But it was nice to come home here away from the crowds. The wind has died and as the sun slipped below the promentary of Runswick to the North, it sent its last spectacular rays upwards as if to demonstrate that, whatever its mysteries, the sometimes unfathomable architect somehow knows what is right...


jafabrit said...

Oh what a shame about the bird. :(

what a photograph of the evening sky, just beautiful.

Waldo said...

Apparently the Songthrush is well known for such intemperance towards her young once they hatch. They reckon that there is just a 30% chance that ONE egg will survive. And I thought my Mum was cruel for not allowing me to stay up to watch 'The Avengers'...